Monday, October 26, 2009

Bukovina Society

In the third weekend in September, I had the privelage of going to my first (but not last) Bukovina Annual Meeting. My mom, Aunt Sherri and grandpa went along with me. Mom and I were asked to do a short presentation on our trip to Romania in May and to discuss what we found in our ancestral homeland. We had made two posters, one depicting a map of Romania and the routes we took, and the other was a large family tree, so that others could see if we were related. The presenter before us was Becky Hageman and she gave an excellent presentation on the route of the German Bohemians to Bukovina in the late 1700s. After us Steve Parke gave a presentation on the Bukovina Germans arriving in Kansas and how was first and how we were all inter-related. It turns out that Becky and Steve are my relatives through the Schuster side; so it was almost like a Schuster Fest since we were all the presenters. Had an absolute wonderful time and learned so much. Plus, mom bought me a lifetime membership with the Bukovina Society--thanks mom!!!!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Obama's Healthcare speech to Congress

I can't believe their trying to pass healthcare that will FORCE everyone to buy coverage. So much for a public option and competition to keep prices down. And the President talking down to everyone in Congress was ridiculous...everyone there is highly educated. Very dissapointed.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The other day I was leaving the grocery store and was putting the cart back into the "cart holders". A man came up to me and began talking about a person he had just seen driving away. This person had just bought some whiskey in the store and had poured it into a soda drink and was driving away.
A week before this, an older lady, in the same store, was browsing cards for a graduation/birthday party she was attending. I was on errands from work to find a birthday card for a lady who has been with us almost a year. She started up a conversation, and I continued it on with her. We were in pursuit for the perfect card, even though neither one of us knew the people we were buying for very well. The lady was leaving, but turned around to tell me that I had made her day, by the small but friendly conversation. She had made mine as well!
How strange it is that people can run into strangers, but sense a good vibe in them. Enough of a good feeling, that they are compelled to begin a conversation. I like that people feel I am approachable. I hope I also give out this good vibe feeling when I volunteer at the Red Cross and help families/persons in need.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Forest Park Time

I ventured to Forest Park today and rented a bike at the Visitors Center. It was a lovely 87 degrees and sunny, as I'm sure you can tell by my photos. I found a few interesting people in the park. One man was walking by with a stroller. I look to see a baby, and there is a pit bull sitting in there. Apparently dogs don't need exercise anymore! Not sure about that one. But almost every other person I rode by seemed relatively normal and happy to be outdoors just like me!!
And the bikes were old fashioned and green- which made me feel like Kermet the Frog!!

Good Friends

This is Jessica and Me at her place, and the other photo is Brandon, her husband. I saw them in KC a few weeks ago. Smitty and I always have such good times remembering our semester in Aix en Provence, France together!!! I sadly don't have a photo of Jared, Catherine, and I. We took the pictures on their camera.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Pictures of Trip

Hiking west of Furstenthal, Gaschler Grave site, and Painted Monastery of Voronet.

Pictures of Romania

Romania and almost the Ukraine!!

Hello friends, family and who ever stumbles upon this. After almost 6 months of planning, we finally were able to make it to the homeland. Grandpa, Mom, Dad and I departed the St. Louis Airport midday on Saturday May 23rd. After beer drinks at each airport (St. Louis, Raleigh Durham, and London Heathrow) we finally arrived the next afternoon in Bucharest. We took a cab ride to the Marriott hotel (nicest place I have ever stayed) with a wonderful Romanian man who spoke pretty good English and drove us by the sites of town. One of these being the Arc of Triumph. The hotel itself sits right across from the Parliament Palace. This was built during the Communist regime, and we were going to take a tour but it was too late in the day. But this structure is the 2nd largest building in the world, following only the Pentagon in DC!! After a change of clothes we walked past the massive said building and went to the old section of town. Along the way it was evident to see that Romania still is trying to catch up for lost time. There are many Soviet building blocks still up, although they don't look like they were built to last.

Day 2: We fly to Iasi (pronounced: E ash). From here we picked up our rental car and drove to Suceava, to pick up Curtis. After finding him we set off again to Gura Humorului. What a beautiful little town. And we lucked out with a high floor at the hotel so we could see all around!
In the evening Jared and Catherine arrived and we all enjoyed a nice dinner at one of the pubs.
Although I don't suggest trying Cow Stomach Soup!!

Day 3: We set off to find Furstenthal (Voideasa) and after many wrong turns down gravel roads, we stumble upon it about mid day. It only take another 2 hours of trying every street in town and around it to find the cemetery. We didn't find exact names we were looking for, but we found Gaschler and Augustin names at the cemetery, so we were all pleased in thinking this was the place. We spent a long and wonderful dinner at a pensiuane's patio overlooking the valley.

Day 4: Everyone went to the painted monastery of Voronet. It is just 5 km southwest of Gura. Very beatiful and still in good shape for having been painted in the 1500s. They are slowly doing some renovations. Hopefully my small contribution will help. Then we split up with Dad, Mom and Grandpa wanting to go on a hike, and the rest of us wanting to go to Cernowitz, Ukraine. Unfortunately, as we waited at the Ukraine Border stop, we were informed that our rental car could not leave Romania. They said to get another car and return. As if we were going to rent another car. We asked if we could walk across and in this Russian accents they said "No, different Car". Ok, so much for that plan!! So we headed to Radiatz (which is supposedly where the Aschenbrenners are from) and found a market to walk through; with nothing to tempt us to buy. And soon after a Greek Restaurant. Luckily I spoke a few Greek Words and Aurelia (the lady in Charge) became our friend. She went as far as to kiss each cheek upon our departure. We exchanged emails and took her photo, which she wants to put on her website. Hopefully we will keep in touch! After this we headed to hike and had a lovely afternoon of strolling, and Catherine twilling on hills like in "The Sound of Music"!!
Pizza that night and it was wonderful!!

Day 5: Jared and Catherine head for Transylvania.
The rest of us pile into the little car and drive south back to Bucharest.
Once there, Curtis and I go to the Train Station to buy him a ticket home, and we are told there are not seats left. So he must buy a more expensive flight back to Kiev. At least it will only take him 5 hours instead of 15 hours! We walk to the hotel and enjoy the sounds of city goers.

Day 6: Awake at 3 am to get to Airport in time for Mom and Dad to go to Italy. Grandpa and I fly out at 8:30am, and Curtis leaves at 10:00 am. It is so said when saying goodbye. Curtis is such a good friend and lovely person. And who knows when will see eachother again, seein as how he still has 7 months left in the Ukraine.

Grandpa and I arrive in St. Louis around 7:00pm and are too tired to eat. By this time it has been around 26 hours of travel. Grandpa is happy to be back home, and although I enjoy a change of clothes, I would much have preferred to continue on toward a new path. It would be fun to see where Curtis teaches in Kramatorsk, or go even farther to Kazakhstan to see my good friend Kim in her Peace Corps settings. Or even stopping in Praghue (Praha) to see LJ- a good friend from college as well.

All in all, it was a lovely trip!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jared and Catherine's Wedding!

It was a great night, but went too quickly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My new Car

It is a Kia Rio 5- Hatchback. Manual.

Catch Up

I have slacked since April; sorry to all my avid readers- Mandy!

There was Jared's Graduation in May, and then Brett Tschannon's wedding in June. Then there was a Balloon Glow in September in Forest Park. For my Birthday we went to the wineries and it was just in time because now it is getting colder...