Monday, October 26, 2009

Bukovina Society

In the third weekend in September, I had the privelage of going to my first (but not last) Bukovina Annual Meeting. My mom, Aunt Sherri and grandpa went along with me. Mom and I were asked to do a short presentation on our trip to Romania in May and to discuss what we found in our ancestral homeland. We had made two posters, one depicting a map of Romania and the routes we took, and the other was a large family tree, so that others could see if we were related. The presenter before us was Becky Hageman and she gave an excellent presentation on the route of the German Bohemians to Bukovina in the late 1700s. After us Steve Parke gave a presentation on the Bukovina Germans arriving in Kansas and how was first and how we were all inter-related. It turns out that Becky and Steve are my relatives through the Schuster side; so it was almost like a Schuster Fest since we were all the presenters. Had an absolute wonderful time and learned so much. Plus, mom bought me a lifetime membership with the Bukovina Society--thanks mom!!!!

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